Taoiseach angry at Welsh beef blockade

The Taoiseach said that he would contact the British Prime Minister about the UK ports blockade of Irish beef by Welsh farmers…

The Taoiseach said that he would contact the British Prime Minister about the UK ports blockade of Irish beef by Welsh farmers.

"I take the strongest possible view on this particular matter," said Mr Ahern. "From the outset, we have made our views known to the highest levels of the British authorities." Joining with all sides of the House in condemning the blockade, he said it was the duty of the British government under EU treaties to uphold the free movement of goods. "That is not happening. It is being blocked and impeded."

The Fine Gael leader, Mr John Bruton, suggested that the House debate the matter next week. There was a situation, he said, where Irish exporters were being denied the opportunity to exercise their trade "by a mob with the police standing by and the rule of law not being enforced in Britain in a way that is disadvantageous to this island".

He said the Taoiseach should take the matter up in the strongest terms with the British Prime Minister.


If Irish farmers were blocking British exports, the "cacophony of protest from the yellow press in Britain would be deafening and blinding".