Taoiseach condemns killings in North

The sectarian murders in the North were condemned by the Taoiseach

The sectarian murders in the North were condemned by the Taoiseach. "The focus of all the efforts, by the governments, the parties in the talks, and, hopefully, people outside the talks as well, will be to try and build around the various documents," Mr Ahern said. He added that he was well aware of the fears of the community leaders in the North.

Mr Ahern was responding to opposition calls for a special debate on Northern Ireland.

The Labour leader, Mr Ruairi Quinn, referred to the "blatant sectarian murders" that had taken place in Belfast, and the exclusion of the UDP from the talks earlier in the week.

Mr Ahern said there were about 40 questions on the Dail order paper relating to the North, and he proposed to cover all aspects of the matter as soon as he had an opportunity to do so.


Mr Quinn said there should be a special debate, in view of the fact there would be no Taoiseach's questions today and because of the widespread fear in parts of the Northern community and the concern in the Republic about the progress of the talks.

The Democratic Left leader, Mr Proinsias De Rossa, said there was a need to give the Opposition an opportunity to express support for the joint efforts of both governments in a difficult period.