Voices In The House

We want to see all irregularities in the operation and use of the Ansbacher accounts fully and publicly investigated.

We want to see all irregularities in the operation and use of the Ansbacher accounts fully and publicly investigated.

- The Fine Gael leader, Mr John Bruton

The reality is that the Opposition are willing to debase the entire tribunal process in an attempt to gain some short-term political advantage.

- The Minister for Finance, Mr McCreevy


Their decision not to allow the Moriarty tribunal investigate the Ansbacher accounts fully has undermined confidence among the public in the Government's policing of tax-evasion.

- The Labour leader, Mr Ruairi Quinn

Was Mr [Des] Traynor the only accountant out there offering his expertise to wealthy clients and was Guinness & Mahon the only bank involved in facilitating such clients? The latest off-shore controversy involving National Irish Bank seems to give a very clear answer.

- Mr Pat Rabbitte (DL)

It is no surrender, not an inch, duty-free is gone.

- Mr Michael Noonan (FG) on a letter from EU Commissioner Mr Padraig Flynn, about the abolition of duty-free purchases