Paternity leave legislation to be fast-tracked in Family Leave Bill

Joan Burton sought approval to allow for Bill to be prepared ahead of a new government

Paternity leave: The new statutory leave is to be paid at a rate of €230 a week, the same as maternity benefit. Photograph: Thinkstock

The Government has agreed to fast-track legislation to allow for the introduction of paternity leave.

Tánaiste Joan Burton sought Cabinet approval to allow for the heads of a Bill to be prepared ahead of a new government being formed.

A spokesman for Ms Burton said he could not foresee any unnecessary delays to its introduction in September, but added that it would be a matter for the new government.

In last year’s budget, the Fine Gael-Labour coalition had agreed to legislate to allow for fathers to take two weeks’ paid paternal leave .


The new statutory paternity leave is to be paid at a rate of €230 a week, the same as maternity benefit, and based on the same PRSI contribution requirements.

The legislation, which will be introduced by way of the Family Leave Bill, will also allow fathers to take the leave at any stage within 26 weeks of the birth.