President praises ‘courage’ of politicians in face of growing cynicism

‘To embrace politics as a vocation is nowadays... a heroic gesture’, Higgins says

President Michael D Higgins hosted an event for parliamentarians from both Houses of the Oireachtas and the Northern Ireland Legislative Assembly today. Photograph: Dave Meehan/The Irish Times

President Michael D Higgins has praised politicians for having the "courage" to continue in their profession in the face of mounting cynicism.

Hosting an event for TDs and Senators, as well as the Northern Assembly, Mr Higgins said he had the "greatest respect and the warmest feelings" towards parliamentarians.

“To embrace politics as a vocation is, nowadays, for some, something to be described as somewhat of a heroic gesture,” he said.

He praised their work as legislators as well as their “courage to offer ideas and service in the public space”.


He said all should welcome the increase in the number of women coming into politics, as well as those representing “the diversity of our communities”.

Mr Higgins said the deeds of politicians were met frequently by “a kind of pre-emptive cynicism”. This rarely pointed to constructive alternatives but “rather, at best manages a fatalistic acceptance of the inevitability of the mediocre”.

He said creativity was needed to achieve change that was needed urgently to address local and global challenges.

Mr Higgins said the event was a good opportunity for the Houses of the Oireachtas and the Northern Ireland Legislative Assembly to meet together in friendship.

“Of course there remain many sensitive questions to solve in Northern Ireland - problems for which there is no easy solution, engaging as they do issues of collective identity, symbols, and the painful legacy of a fractured past,” he said.

“But the work of politics is always ongoing, more replete with possibilities than difficulties. We should rejoice in the length of road already travelled towards permanent and constructive peace in Northern Ireland.”

Mary Minihan

Mary Minihan

Mary Minihan is Features Editor of The Irish Times