Protesters plan to burn Irish Water packs

Limerick campaign warns Government of ‘real Halloween scare’

People taking part in the anti-water charges protest march, in O’Connell Street, Dublin. Photograph: Eric Luke, The Irish Times

Water charge protesters have threatened to burn Irish Water application packs in a Halloween cauldron at a protest taking place in Limerick this weekend.

The protest is organised by the “We Won’t Pay” campaign, initiated by the Anti- Austerity Alliance .

Alliance city councillor Cian Prendiville, who is organising this weekend's protest, says he expects it to be "a real Halloween scare for the Government". He believes the growing campaign of "organised mass non-payment of water charges is the Government's worst nightmare".

“People are being encouraged to bring any forms or packs they have been sent by Irish Water, and we will burn them in our cauldron on the day as well. If you have your Halloween costume already, wear that too. We must remember, they cannot take this from wages or welfare, nor cut off water supply,” he said.


According to the councillor, the water charge issue is “haunting Government” and is refusing to go away.

“The Government is now desperate to pin the blame on Irish Water. Undoubtedly, Irish Water is a monster of a company, but it is a Frankenstein creation by this Government for a particular purpose, to gather together the assets, to impose charges and to prepare for privatisation.”

The protest in Limerick will assemble at 2pm on Saturday at City Hall before marching through the city centre.