Barristers call for Yes vote

Bar Council says court is ‘essential step’

The Bar Council has called for a Yes vote in the Court of Appeal referendum.

The Bar Council has called for a Yes vote in the Court of Appeal referendum, describing the proposal as "an essential step" to address serious delays in the Supreme Court.

The barristers’ representative group said the current backlog of appeals was “extremely damaging to the interests of individuals, families and companies”, as well as to Ireland’s international reputation. “The delays have arisen notwithstanding strenuous efforts by the Supreme Court to address them,” it added in a statement.

“The establishment of a new Court of Appeal will improve the efficiency of the courts system and thereby significantly enhance access to justice for all citizens as well as the international reputation of the State,” the Bar Council said.

“It will also allow the Supreme Court to concentrate on cases which involve substantial points of law or issues of significant public importance. No convincing argument has been made against this proposal.”


Earlier this week, the Law Society wrote to all 9,000 solicitors in the State urging them to vote Yes.

Ruadhán Mac Cormaic

Ruadhán Mac Cormaic

Ruadhán Mac Cormaic is the Editor of The Irish Times