Renua Ireland to identify as anti-abortion party

Party leader asks all representatives not to support repeal of Eighth Amendment

After failing to win seats in the 2016 general election, Renua’s future looks uncertain. What went wrong and where does the party stand now? Here we look at key moments in the party’s brief history.

Renua Ireland is to identify itself as an anti-abortion party and will ask all representatives not to support a repeal of the Eighth Amendment.

In a letter to members, Cllr John Leahy said a period of consultation had been carried out with officials and members of the party.

Mr Leahy, who replaced Lucinda Creighton as leader, said the aim of the discussion was to identify Renua’s core beliefs and principles.

It was agreed that the party would support the retention of the Eighth Amendment, which places the life of the unborn on an equal footing to the life of the mother, in the Constitution.


Mr Leahy said some members have declared freedom of conscience on this issue and they will therefore not be asked to support, canvass or support the party position.

However, he added: “Party candidates and elected representatives will be required to subscribe fully to our position on this matter.”

Renua was established by Ms Creighton, who left Fine Gael after voting against the Protection of Life During Pregnancy Bill. That legislation allowed for terminations if a woman is suicidal.

The Citizens’ Assembly is examining the Eighth Amendment and may recommend a referendum to repeal the Constitutional clause.

Economically enterprising

Mr Leahy said the party differs from any other political party, insisting it forms its policies based on the views of members.

The party leader said Renua is socially conservative and economically enterprising.

He said: “ Renua is a not a populist or left-wing party either socially or economically. Renua differs from Fianna Fáil which is a populist and a high-tax/high-spend party which destroyed our economy.

’”Fine Gael is socially liberal, economically free market, globalist, clearly Europhile, favours international over indigenous small and medium enterprises and is clearly inept at delivering large infrastructural developments for the State.”

Mr Leahy said Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael have served their own interests and favoured selected individuals.