Sinn Féin candidate complains to gardaí over election material tampering

Fine Gael’s James Bannon calls incident with canvas team a ‘misunderstanding’

Fine Gael’s James Bannon: Accused of tampering with Sinn Féin candidate Paul Hogan’s election material

A Sinn Féin general election candidate has made an official complaint to gardaí alleging a Fine Gael TD tampered with his election material.

Paul Hogan claims James Bannon removed some of his leaflets from the post boxes of constituents in Ballymahon.

Mr Hogan said he sought an apology from the Fine Gael TD for Longford-Westmeath and the material returned.

However, he said Mr Bannon has refused to comply and a complaint has since been lodged with an the Garda.


Election team

Election teams from both parties were canvassing in Ballymahon, Co Longford, on Monday.

Mr Bannon had claimed it was a misunderstanding involving one of his election team.

A photograph was circulated showing Mr Bannon sitting inside a Garda car. He said he sat inside merely to clarify the situation on behalf of the member of his team.

“I was not in the immediate vicinity, but I understand a member of my canvass team was reading a leaflet and immediately replaced it.

“It was a simple misunderstanding. When a Garda car arrived after a period of time, I sat in voluntarily to clarify the situation,” he said.