Taoiseach to meet NI political leaders during Belfast visit

Martin to attend event exploring the all-island and global response to climate change

The Taoiseach will meet political and business leaders during the visit to Belfast as well as students at Queen’s University. Photograph: Maxwells

Taoiseach Micheál Martin will meet Northern Ireland's political leaders during a visit to Belfast on Friday.

Mr Martin is due to attend a number of events, including an all-island business conference jointly hosted by the Northern Ireland Chamber of Commerce & Industry and Chambers Ireland.

The event will explore the all-island and global challenge of climate change in advance of the Cop26 climate conference in Glasgow in November.

First minister Paul Givan and deputy first minister Michelle O'Neill will also attend.


When meeting party leaders, Mr Martin is expected to discuss latest political developments, as well as brief them on the €3.5 billion budget for cross-border investment announced this week with the publication of the Government’s National Development Plan.

In north Belfast, Mr Martin will visit and meet participants in Women’s Tec, an initiative which helps women to train in non-traditional sectors and trades.

He will travel to Queen’s University where he will visit the Patrick G Johnston Centre for Cancer Research and meet the president and researchers involved in all-island research co-operation.

He will also meet with a group of students from the university. - PA