Ukip expels former Northern Ireland party chairman

Henry Reilly was party candidate in 2014 Euro elections in which he took 24,000 votes

Henry Reilly, from Kilkeel, Co Down, is a member of Newry, Mourne and Down District Council. The former chairman of Ukip in Northern Ireland has been expelled from the party. Photograph: Ukip

A former chairman of Ukip in Northern Ireland has been expelled from the party, a spokesman said.

Henry Reilly, from Kilkeel in Co Down, is a member of Newry, Mourne and Down District Council.

He was Ukip’s candidate in last year’s European elections, in which he received more than 24,000 votes.

A party spokesman said: “At midday Henry Reilly was advised that resulting from his suspension, a disciplinary meeting held yesterday took the decision to expel him from Ukip membership.


“There will be no further comment on this internal party decision.”

Mr Reilly resigned as chairman of Ukip Northern Ireland in August after an apparent dispute with leader and Stormont Assembly member David McNarry.

But, following the visit of party leader Nigel Farage to Belfast recently, the party issued a statement saying Mr Reilly has been suspended.

Mr Reilly told the BBC that action had been taken against him for a “minor technical issue” related to comments he made to the press on the day of Mr Farage’s visit about his resignation as chairman.

Press Association