What Co Kerry locals make of Healy-Rae’s view on climate change

Constituents have mixed views on TD’s contention that God is responsible for weather

Tim McCarthy from Macroom, in Killarney

Tim McCarthy, from Macroom, Killarney

Mr McCarthy said he strongly disagreed with Danny Healy-Rae and thinks that, along with his brother Michael, he gets “far too much publicity”.

“I would not agree with him – there is climate change, it’s as obvious as night follows day. If you take the weather at the moment, there isn’t one bit of growth,” he said.

Sylvie Dwyer, from Killarney
Thea Van Loon from Glenflesk, Killarney

A farmer, Mr McCarthy said he has observed first hand how there are no proper seasons any more and birds like the cuckoo are either late or non-existent in many parts.


“The frightening thing is, what is it going to be like in years to come.”

Sylvie Dwyer, from Killarney

Mr Dwyer said Danny Healy-Rae’s remarks on climate change were certainly a talking point in Killarney. The TD “may not be right” in saying only God is responsible for the weather, and he does not agree with him, but he said Mr Healy-Rae should be allowed to express his beliefs. “It may not be fashionable to bring God into politics – but he has the courage of his convictions.”

Thea Van Loon, from Glenflesk, Killarney

She said the cause of changing weather patterns needs to be explained and the facts of whether it is natural or man made has yet to be fully established.

“There is a natural occurrence of cycles – but what we are doing to the planet may escalate it. What brings it about is the thing – is it natural or what people are doing?” She agreed fully with Danny Healy-Rae on carbon climate taxes which have seen road and fuel taxes rise steeply. “The taxes could be a gimmick. . . where are the taxes going? ”