Poll will be first test for Noonan

Fine Gael has fired the starting gun on Mr Michael Noonan's first electoral test as party leader, moving the writ for the Tipperary…

Fine Gael has fired the starting gun on Mr Michael Noonan's first electoral test as party leader, moving the writ for the Tipperary South by-election which will take place in late June.

Despite some concerns that the campaign will coincide with damaging tribunal revelations, party strategists have chosen to seek a boost for the new leader before the summer.

The party candidate Senator Tom Hayes starts out as favourite to win, but faces strong campaigns from Fianna Fail and Labour as well as the local Workers and Unemployed Action Group who won last year's contest in the constituency. The by-election was caused by the death of Fine Gael deputy, Ms Theresa Ahearn last year.

The Minister for the Environment, Mr Dempsey, has yet to name the date for the poll, which must take place between June 21st and June 30th. Speculation centres on June 21st and June 28th - both Thursdays - but there is also speculation that the poll could be held, unusually, on a Saturday to maximise turnout.


Fine Gael's chief whip, Mr Paul Bradford, yesterday formally moved the writ for the by-election on the Order of Business in the Dail.