Pope seems stronger at second blessing

Vatican City : Pope John Paul, silent but appearing in relatively good form, blessed crowds for a second Sunday from the window…

Vatican City: Pope John Paul, silent but appearing in relatively good form, blessed crowds for a second Sunday from the window of his hospital suite yesterday.

Pictures of the frail 84-year- old Pope were broadcast live on large screens to the faithful at the Vatican where an aide gave his weekly Sunday blessing.

The Pope, wearing his traditional white cassock, sitting on an armchair and surrounded by aides and doctors, looked alert and rested. He moved his lips to join the prayer being said by the aide in St Peter's Square and crossed himself.

He was later wheeled to the window of his 10th-floor suite at Rome's Gemelli hospital. He blessed the crowd below several times and waved to cheering well-wishers.


The Pope appeared in much better form than he did during a similar appearance at the window last Sunday, which was the first time during his 26-year-long papacy that he failed to preside over the Sunday Angelus and pronounce the blessing.

The Pope, who also suffers from Parkinson's disease, has been in hospital since February 24th, when he underwent throat surgery to help ease severe breathing problems.

He is currently undergoing breathing and speech rehabilitation therapy. The Pope has spoken some words to aides in private but has not spoken in public since the operation.

There is still no indication when the Pope will leave hospital. - (Reuters)