Positively fabulous

THE response by concerned consumers to the box delivery vegetable system reported on these pages a few weeks back has been spectacular…

THE response by concerned consumers to the box delivery vegetable system reported on these pages a few weeks back has been spectacular, with hundreds of folk allying themselves to various organic farmers all around the country in the search for safe, delicious food.

Well, fortunate are those who live in Cork city, for Jason Higgs's Positively Organics Food Company is easily the largest and most professional set up organised to deal with the demand for box delivery system. A weekly delivery has now been set up, dropping off to private houses throughout Cork city.

Positively Organics already supplies organically grown food to supermarkets in the Cork region, delivered from their warehouse in Wilton, and Mr Higgs sees the box delivery system as fulfilling a complementary need, as it allows the company to offer a broader range of produce than is called for by the supermarkets. If all goes well, Positively Organics plans to extend the delivery system beyond Cork city, and out into the county.