Post office raid foiled in Skerries

A PRIVATE signal between staff in a post office and shop resulted in an attempted robbery being foiled in Skerries, Co Dublin…

A PRIVATE signal between staff in a post office and shop resulted in an attempted robbery being foiled in Skerries, Co Dublin, yesterday.

At about 2.30pm, a man walked into the post office, part of a shop on Strand Street, and demanded money. He was carrying what was later found to be an imitation gun.

Post office owner Gerry Fagan said staff in the post office and shop had agreed on a private code to alert each other if such an event ever happened. He praised the quick action of the post office staff who immediately sent the signal to him in the shop. “Within about 11 seconds I was at the door of the Garda station which is only across the road,” he said.

Alison Healy

Alison Healy

Alison Healy is a contributor to The Irish Times