Power returns: former adviser rejoins Obama's team

SAMANTHA POWER, Harvard professor and adjunct professor of law at University College Cork, who was forced to resign from Barack…

SAMANTHA POWER, Harvard professor and adjunct professor of law at University College Cork, who was forced to resign from Barack Obama's presidential campaign last spring after calling Hillary Clinton "a monster", has joined the president-elect's transition team. In her role she will be advising the incoming administration on national security agencies, including the state department, which Mrs Clinton is set to head.

Ms Power is listed on Mr Obama's transition website as part of the team reviewing national security agencies and it is likely that she will work directly with Mrs Clinton, a potentially awkward situation for the two women.

The move paves the way for Ms Power to re-emerge as a key adviser to the new president after being barred for months from appearing on television as his foreign policy surrogate.

Ms Power resigned on March 7th after being quoted in the Scotsmannewspaper saying that Mrs Clinton "is a monster" and that "she is stooping to anything . . . The amount of deceit she has put forward is really unattractive".


IIn a statement at the time, she said she made "inexcusable remarks that are at marked variance from my oft-stated admiration for Senator Clinton and from the spirit, tenor, and purpose of the Obama campaign". - ( Washington Post/Guardianservice)