Premier was accused of fraud

Dublin - Mr Mathole Motshekga, who on Monday is to take over as premier of Gauteng - South Africa's wealthiest province, which…

Dublin - Mr Mathole Motshekga, who on Monday is to take over as premier of Gauteng - South Africa's wealthiest province, which incorporates Johannesburg and Pretoria - was accused in the late 1980s of embezzling donor funds from the National Institute for Public Interest, Law and Research, which was funded by the Irish aid agency, Trocaire, through the European Community. Trocaire became concerned about the administration of the NGO in 1989 after being tipped off about financial irregularities.

Trocaire subsequently pulled out of the project after failing to get a formal inquiry into the scandal. A spokeswoman said last night the agency had invested £200,000 in the project, which was one of 25 it operated in South Africa at the time. This was the only project in which difficulties had arisen.