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Two of the most inventive invitations we've received all year came this week

Two of the most inventive invitations we've received all year came this week. The first was sent by batik artist Bernadette Madden, whose invitation to her Christmas exhibition in Haddington Road this afternoon read like a presidential election manifesto. Her stated qualifications included the fact that she adores designer clothes and big houses. She promised to "uphold bridges between North and South. . . O'Connell Bridge needs more flowers and the Ha'penny Bridge needs more attention". Finally, she states: "I am of Dublin 4; Come drink with me in Dublin 4."

Among the people planning to do just that are designer Richard Lewis and his partner Jim Greeley who designed the invitation; the Abbey's Patrick Mason, and Joe Brennan from the Department of Foreign Affairs, which commissions her work as State gifts.

The other top invite came from jeweller Melissa Curry, who wrapped a transparent scroll with bronze leather and little metal bits to herald the opening of her exhibition in the Duke Gallery. Although born in Co Mayo, she has worked in Paris for nine years, travelling in Asia and Africa.

Her work has already attracted interest from artist Graham Knuttle, with whom Melissa has worked in the past, film-maker Aine O'Connor, and designers Lainey Keogh, John Rocha and Marc O'Neill.