Presbyterian Notes

At the General Assembly a continuing serious decline in church membership was discussed in 1999

At the General Assembly a continuing serious decline in church membership was discussed in 1999. This led to a study entitled Reconnecting with a missing generation, undertaken by Members of the North Belfast Presbytery and financed by the Home Board of the Church.

The very detailed statistical study relates chiefly to the urban area of Belfast, not unaffected by demographic upheavals as a result of the troubles over the past 30 years. Moreover, the missing generation is in particular those of the 20 to 45 age group.

But it will be generally acknowledged that the conclusions reached in the report and the suggestions made are of the widest import. There are few areas, if any, throughout the land where a serious decline in church membership is not a real concern.

This report rightly claims that as churches we tend to be adapted (or at least recognise the need to adapt) to "youth culture": activities, presentation, church structures are ordered to suit the needs of young people.


The report emphasises that a similar level of thought and concern needs to be given to the culture of the "younger adults". In a summary of conclusions reached in the report a perception is found amongst the 20 to 40 age group that the church is just for the "good people". This is a principal reason for declining membership. This group increasingly views church and the Christian message as irrelevant - having nothing really to say to them in their situations.

Given that late teens to early twenties appears as a crucial point when many leave church for faith reasons, dogma and the content of it must be seen as of paramount importance today.

Copies of the report are available from the Communications Office, Church House, Fisherwick Place, Belfast. The Report can also be downloaded at

The annual service of Carols by candlelight will be held in the Howth Presbyterian church tomorrow at 4.30 p.m. All are invited.

In a response to the recently promulgated Dominus Jesus by the Roman Catholic Church, the Moderator, Dr Morrow made the following statements at the Irish Inter-Church Meeting on December 5th.

He was convinced, he said, of the need for a reformation and renewal in the whole Catholic Church in obedience to Christ speaking in the scriptures. That is what it means to be a Presbyterian, he added. Dominus Jesus does not cause alarm to Irish Presbyterians, he believes.