President advocates dialogue

If the goal of a lasting settlement between the two great traditions on this island was to be realised, we must continue to reach…

If the goal of a lasting settlement between the two great traditions on this island was to be realised, we must continue to reach out, to promote dialogue and extend the hand of friendship and reconciliation, the President said yesterday.

Speaking at Aras an Uachtarain at the New Year greeting by the diplomatic corps, Mrs McAleese said it was timely to look back at events in 1997.

"It was, I think, a year that gave us new hope of achieving a lasting political settlement in Northern Ireland. We have a historic opportunity for a new beginning in Northern Ireland," she said.

Only by recognising, understanding, respecting and cherishing the diversity of culture and tradition on this island could a true reconciliation be achieved.


"When I took my oath of office a couple of months ago, I committed myself to advancing this process. And I look forward to joining with others in working to achieve an Ireland that celebrates, in all its variety, the many forms of Irishness which enrich our island," she said.

Mrs McAleese commented that new levels of international co-operation were needed to address global problems effectively. The greatest challenge was to provide fair standards of living for everyone and address the disparities of wealth, opportunity and quality of life which existed between the developed and underdeveloped worlds.