President warns of binge drinking 'blight'

President Mary McAleese today warned that alcohol addiction was "the blight of all blights", leaving a trail of wasted lives …

President Mary McAleese today warned that alcohol addiction was "the blight of all blights", leaving a trail of wasted lives and tragic and heartbreaking damage.

Raising concerns over alcohol consumption in Ireland, she questioned if it was time for Irish people to take responsibility for their excessive drinking instead of linking it with every family and social occasion.

Mrs McAleese told staff and volunteers at Cuan Mhuire Rehabilitation Centre in Athy that the consequences of irresponsible drinking are the tragedies it brings with it.

She said that regrettably their services, support and care is needed more than ever before in Ireland. "For individual lives it fuels so many disasters, everything from suicide to foetal abnormalities," she said.


"It plays such havoc in society — the consequences found in our hospitals A&E departments, in the family law courts, on the dole queues, in the morgues and in the safe havens such as Cuan Mhuire."

The President helped support workers celebrate the 40th anniversary of the centre, where for decades they have committed their time and energy.

"We see in our more affluent Ireland our levels of alcohol consumption, in every age group, has sharply increased and the trend is moving more towards drinking in the home," continued President McAleese.

"Is it time that we, as a nation, take stock, take responsibility for our excessive drinking?

"If we want what every parent wants — a better future for our children — is it then appropriate that we continue to link inextricably alcohol with almost every life event — whether a Christening, first Communion, wedding or funeral?

"Is it not time that we adopted a sensible balance in our drinking habits, for everybody's sake?"