Priests investigated over Legionaries' child sex abuse

The Holy See senior spokesman, Fr Federico Lombardi, last night confirmed media reports that cases of clerical child abuse in…

The Holy See senior spokesman, Fr Federico Lombardi, last night confirmed media reports that cases of clerical child abuse in the disgraced, ultra-conservative Legionaries of Christ movement have been reported to the Vatican.

“The relevant superiors followed the norms in force, signalling to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) some cases that have come to light from several decades ago,” Fr Lombardi told reporters.

Vatican insiders say the CDF is investigating paedophilia accusations against seven Legionary priests. Founded in Mexico in 1941 by the late Marcial Maciel, the movement has been at the centre of bitter controversy in recent years after it was revealed that Fr Maciel had himself been a serial paedophile who had children by at least two women.

Until those revelations were proven five years ago, the Legionaries had been something of a jewel in the Catholic Church crown, a dynamic lay movement present in 22 countries and one capable of generating important revenues. Today the movement comprises 800 priests, 2,500 seminarians and 70,000 lay people while it manages 12 universities.