Protest over bridge naming

Over 300 residents and supporters from the Abbey district in Limerick yesterday marched to City Hall over the naming of a new…

Over 300 residents and supporters from the Abbey district in Limerick yesterday marched to City Hall over the naming of a new bridge after the late Labour TD, Jim Kemmy.

Carrying placards, they made their way from Lock Quay to where the bridge is to be located, and then packed into the council chamber for the monthly meeting of Limerick Corporation.

The 17-member council is faced with a dilemma, as it has already unanimously voted to call the bridge after Mr Kemmy.

A delegation from the Abbey, led by Independent alderman Mr John Gilligan, appealed to the council to reverse the previous decision on the grounds that the people in the area were not consulted.


The council accepted a motion from the Mayor, Mr Joe Harrington, that the City Council agree to defer the naming ceremony for the new bridge until after a consultative process in the wider city area and specifically in the Abbey area.

The purpose of the process is to determine the best way to commemorate the Abbey fishermen, and their tradition of salmon fishing, the heritage of the area, as well as Mr Kemmy.