PSEU urges members to back deal

The Public Service Executive Union (PSEU), which represents about 10,000 low and mid ranking civil servants, sent a circular …

The Public Service Executive Union (PSEU), which represents about 10,000 low and mid ranking civil servants, sent a circular to its branches today recommending that members vote in favour of the pay deal.

In the circular, PSEU general secretary Tom Geraghty said he understands members anger and frustration at their current working situation but he stressed that rejecting the proposals could "leave members vulnerable" to future pay cuts and redundancies.

"It is in members' interests that they vote for a deal that protects their jobs and their pay, provides for a mechanism that creates a path to possible pay adjustments and gives unions a chance to input into the Government's stated wish to interfere with pension structure," he wrote.

"Not to adopt the proposals would be to leave members vulnerable in respect of these matters...In your own best interests vote in favour."

Steven Carroll

Steven Carroll

Steven Carroll is an Assistant News Editor with The Irish Times