Public will blame gardai over reserve, McDowell warns

The public may turn on the gardaí if a reserve force is not welcomed, Justice Minister Michael McDowell warned tonight.

The public may turn on the gardaí if a reserve force is not welcomed, Justice Minister Michael McDowell warned tonight.

Mr McDowell was speaking after more intensive discussions with the Garda Representative Association (GRA), which he said were useful and provided "food for thought". Input from any quarter, was welcome he added.

Mr McDowell said issues raised during discussions included how the figure of 4,000 was chosen and the retirement age of gardaí. He has promised to raise it from 57 to 60 if agreement is reached on the reserve.

Despite the GRA and Association of Garda Sergeants and Inspectors (AGSI) strong opposition to the proposal, the recruitment process for the first 900 of 4,000 reservists is due to begin within months.


The Minster warned that public esteem of the Garda would be damaged if the obstructed the reserve. "If the public get the idea that the voluntary reserve was damaged by a policy of non-co-operation, it wouldn't be the volunteers or Government being seen responsible in the eyes of the public. It would be the people carrying out the campaign."

Regulations, which are currently being drafted, will shortly be brought before the Oireachtas Joint Committee on Justice, Equality, Defence and Women's Rights which, Mr McDowell said, has given its overwhelming backing.

He also stressed he had the continuous support of the Garda Commissioner, superintendents and the public.

AGSI President Joe Dirwan said while the scheme is opposed in principal and that gardaí will not co-operate with a reserve force, both associations were looking forward to having their views heard by the Oireachtas committee.

He said: "I do not see a collision course ahead, I see it an opportunity there for further dialogue."

According to Mr Dirwan, the force needs more full time gardaí and not volunteers. "We sympathise with the public out there because there is a crying need for extra gardaí," he said.

"We want to say to the public, gardai have been taken out of communities and have been removed because of policy by Garda management. People are in support of reserves but nobody knows how details are going to work out."