Putin pledges investigation into reporter's murder

Russian President Vladimir Putin broke his silence today about the murder of investigative reporter Anna Politkovskaya, pledging…

Russian President Vladimir Putin broke his silence today about the murder of investigative reporter Anna Politkovskaya, pledging that the authorities would do everything to find the killers of the fierce Kremlin critic.

In a phone conversation with US President George Bush, Putin pledged that "all necessary efforts will be made for an objective investigation into the tragic death of the journalist," the Kremlin said.

Mr Putin's remarks were his first statement on the killing, since Politkovskaya, a 48-year-old award-winning reporter who uncovered abuses against civilians in Chechnya, was gunned down in her apartment building on Saturday in an apparent contract killing.

Her newspaper has offered a million-dollar reward for information that would help solve the crime, which provoked worldwide condemnation and shone the spotlight on Russia as one of the most dangerous countries for journalists.


Her colleagues said she had been working on a story about torture and abductions in the war-ravaged southern province - abuses she blamed on Moscow-backed Chechen Prime Minister Ramzan Kadyrov. "I dream of seeing him tried," she said in an interview several days before her death.

The semi-weekly newspaper Novaya Gazeta,where Politkovskaya had worked, today published a special edition, listing Politkovskaya's major publications and inquiring into the cause of her killing.

The paper also said in a statement that the killing was either revenge by Mr Kadyrov or an attempt to discredit him. Mr Kadyrov expressed condolences over Politkovskaya's death, and denied any "Chechen trace" in the killing.

"It is hearsay and rumours, which don't show either politicians or the media in a good light," Kadyrov was quoted as saying by the Vremya Novosteidaily.

Prosecutor-General Yury Chaika has taken personal charge of the investigation, but Politkovskaya's colleagues have expressed doubts the murder will ever be solved. US President George Bush joined the international chorus of condemnation.

"Like many Russians, Americans were shocked and saddened by the brutal murder of Anna Politkovskaya, a fearless investigative journalist, highly respected in both Russia and the United States," Bush said yesterday.

"We urge the Russian Government to conduct a vigorous and thorough investigation to bring to justice those responsible for her murder."
