Quotes Of The Day

You sought to wreck the Agreement, and you have failed. You sought to divide the community, and you failed

You sought to wreck the Agreement, and you have failed. You sought to divide the community, and you failed. You sought to win new support, and you failed. - Mr Tony Blair, addressing the Omagh bombers

May I urge you not to take any action that might look as if it was going back to some of the old legislation which was repressive, was ineffective and didn't contribute. - Labour backbencher Mr Tony Benn to Mr Blair, criticising the emergency legislation

My view is that we must learn from our history, but we shouldn't be mesmerised by it or live in it. - Mr Blair's reply

There had been over previous months a series of bombs planned and planted by the `Real IRA'. This is being done with the intention of destroying the hopes that the people of Northern Ireland have that we are coming out of violence and coming into a new era. - Ulster Unionist leader, Mr David Trimble


This Bill isn't in a fit condition to be debated by the House. - Mr Robert Marshall-Andrews (Lab) complaining about the drafting of the measure