Quotes Of The Day

Either this is a major breach of faith on the part of the Minister and his Department or it is the result of a major cock-up

Either this is a major breach of faith on the part of the Minister and his Department or it is the result of a major cock-up. - Mr Maurice Manning, Fine Gael, on an apparent disagreement about a commitment to an annual review of the legislation.

I am of the view that the provision as it stands would allow for an annual review. I am prepared to accept a small amendment to the Criminal Justice Bill later on to insert the word annual. - Minister for Justice, Mr O'Donoghue

We must all do what we can to end bitter sectarianism and division. A terrible price has been paid for an unwillingness to find accommodation. - Taoiseach, Mr Ahern

It would have been more honest, more appropriate and more effective to introduce internment. - Mr Shane Ross (Ind)


The bombers have managed to scar forever the image of Irish democracy. - Mr Joe O'Toole (Ind)

House Of Lords

We could have introduced some of the measures contained in this Bill by Order. We thought that was to behave in a wrong way. - Lord Williams of Mostyn

It will have no effect at all in convicting those who actually took part in planning the Omagh bombing . . . It may be this is nothing more than a gesture, but there are times when gestures are necessary and this is one such occasion. - Lord Lloyd of Berwick, commenting on the fact that the Bill was not retrospective.

Parts of the Bill are law that may turn out to be dangerous law . . . - Lord Mayhew