Quotes Of The Day

I want this to be a pluralist parliament for a pluralist people.

I want this to be a pluralist parliament for a pluralist people.

- First Minister, Mr Trimble, in his address to the new Assembly.

I rather think that it will happen sooner rather than later.

- Mr Trimble on prospects of IRA decommissioning.


The mood of the people is to put past failings behind us, and to close that roll call of infamy to which violence so frequently summoned us.

- Deputy First Minister, Mr Seamus Mallon, in his address.

I want to make friends with Dr Paisley.

- Sinn Fein president, Mr Gerry Adams.

A new politics has begun. It's a time for responsibility and commitment.

- Mr Mallon.

I don't want to have rogue ministers who ignore the common programme.

- Mr Trimble on the Rev Ian Paisley's plans to take ministerial seats.

This is a huge waste of time and a huge waste of taxpayers' money. Everyone here is capable of addressing this chamber in English.

- Mr Cedric Wilson, of the UKUP, on Sinn Fein speaking Irish.

The Women's Coalition wish to be all things to all men.

- Mr Sammy Wilson of the DUP.

The Women's Coalition is all things to all men, women and children.

- Ms Jane Morrice of the Women's Coalition.

The Women's Coalition should not be allowed play see-saw Margery Daw in crucial votes by changing their designation from nationalist to unionist.

- Mr Robert McCartney, of the UKUP, complaining that the Women's Coalition should not be allowed to change its declared allegiance to nationalist or unionist, in order to protect the Belfast Agreement.

We were put here to defend the agreement, and we will do that.

- Ms Morrice, of the Women's Coalition, insisting it would use the rules to safeguard the agreement.

I was mindful at the start of a biblical quote `Lord, it's good to be here'. I have been here for more than an hour and a half and I'm beginning to doubt it.

- Mr Seamus Close, deputy leader of the Alliance Party, during a lengthy debate on procedural matters.

Due to shortages please do not remove crockery and cut- lery from here.

- Notice in the members' canteen.