Radio Ireland sacks Collins after 10 days of rumour

RADIO Ireland has sacked its chief executive, Mr Dan Collins after nearly 10 days of intense speculation and rumour.

RADIO Ireland has sacked its chief executive, Mr Dan Collins after nearly 10 days of intense speculation and rumour.

Mr Collins is to challenge the termination of his contract in the High Court next week.

The announcement came at the end of a meeting between the board of Radio Ireland and the regulatory body, the Independent Radio and Television Commission, yesterday afternoon. The meeting lasted about four hours.

After the meeting Radio Ireland issued a statement saying: "The board of Radio Ireland has notified the IRTC that it has unanimously decided to terminate the employment contract of Dan Collins, who was chief executive and programme controller.


"Radio Ireland also confirmed that it has sought the approval of the IRTC for the interim arrangement it proposes to put in place.

"The board also confirmed to the IRTC that the station with over 50 staff in place, was fully operational and ready to commence broadcasting on March 17th."

No details were given as to these new arrangements. However, it is likely that the chairman,

Mr John McColgan, will be executive chairman and that Mr Andy Park, a former programme controller with Radio Clyde, will assume programming responsibility. Mr Park was named during the past week, but not appointed.

Other executives and the full complement of producers are already in place.

It is believed the decision came as a surprise to Mr Collins, who had sought legal advice two weeks ago, but had continued to operate as chief executive.

It is understood that no offer was made to him at any time, though 10 days ago he was offered a week to consider his position with the company.

It is understood Mr McColgan has been concerned since before Christmas as to whether the station would be ready for its launch on St Patrick's Day.

Mr Collins's inclusion in the Radio Ireland proposal at the time of the application was an important factor in granting the licence to the consortium.

It is understood that outstanding contractual issues will be agreed with the IRTC.