Radiotherapy target 'is achievable'

The plan to provide a network of radiotherapy services for cancer patients across the State by 2011 can be achieved on time and…

The plan to provide a network of radiotherapy services for cancer patients across the State by 2011 can be achieved on time and by way of public private partnership (PPP), Minister for Health Mary Harney insisted yesterday.

She was responding to reports that the team involved in implementing the plan believed the services could not be put in place until 2013 or 2014 if it was provided by way of PPP.

Ms Harney acknowledged, however, that some parts of the plan were now proceeding and not by way of PPP. She said the board of the HSE had ordered a review of the way in which the remainder of the plan could be implemented and "a revised proposal" would be presented to the board next month. "I think it will proceed by way of PPP but it may be done in a different way. There may be different elements of it that will be private and public," she said.

She still believed the provision of linear accelerators (machines which provide radiotherapy) and their maintenance could be funded by the private sector.


This is despite the fact that a report to the Minister said there was a consensus between the Department of Health, the National Development Finance Agency (the State agency with PPP expertise) and the HSE that the plan to improve radiotherapy services by 2011 by way of public- private partnership could not be met.