Rainbow coalition ahead as voters' preference

More voters would prefer an alternative government composed of Fine Gael, Labour and possibly the Green Party over the current…

More voters would prefer an alternative government composed of Fine Gael, Labour and possibly the Green Party over the current Fianna Fáil/Progressive Democrats coalition, according to the latest Irish Times/TNS mrbi poll.

The rainbow alternative has a clear lead over Fianna Fáil and the Progressive Democrats on the questions of which would be better at controlling prices, improving the health services and providing affordable and good-quality childcare.

Voters are evenly divided on the key question of which of these two possible governments would best handle the economy and keep taxes low.

Some 36 per cent would prefer a coalition involving Fine Gael, Labour and possibly the Green Party to form the next government. The existing Fianna Fáil/PD combination is preferred by 31 per cent; 20 per cent want neither of these; and 13 per cent have no opinion.


The poll was conducted last Monday and Tuesday among a national quota sample of 1,000 voters at 100 sampling points throughout all constituencies in the State.

Asked if they would prefer a different coalition from the current one - not necessarily the Fine Gael/Labour/Green Party option - 54 per cent said they would, a fall of one point since June.

Just 29 per cent said they would prefer the existing Government, a fall of 3 points since June. Some 17 per cent have no opinion, up four points.

The Fine Gael/Labour/Green Party alternative coalition has its greatest lead over the current combination among younger voters, with the gap narrowing among older groups, and the FF/PD coalition having a lead among the over-65s.