Record number of entries for bog event

CONOR MURPHY (23) from Portadown, Northern Ireland, won the World Bog Snorkelling competition held in Wales yesterday

CONOR MURPHY (23) from Portadown, Northern Ireland, won the World Bog Snorkelling competition held in Wales yesterday. Mr Murphy, who lives in Leicester, completed the two lengths of the 60-yard course in one minute, 38.9 seconds. The world record time currently stands at one minute 35 seconds.

A record number of entrants donned a snorkel, fins, and in many cases fancy dress, to cover 120 yards in a peat bogin Llanwrtyd Wells, Powys, Mid Wales.They were not allowed to swim using conventional strokes, with officials insisting they "doggy paddle" or hold their arms out in front of them.

Despite the rain, which turned the car park into something resembling a bog itself, hundreds of people turned out to witness the eccentric spectacle.

Organiser Sheelagh Tompkins said: "This is one of those wacky events you've got to do once in your life.


"I think people have been inspired by the Olympics. There are lots of serious competitors, and many of them come back year after year.

"It's been wonderful, and some of the costumes have been unbelievable. Everyone has had a fantastic time."

Competitors came to the event from as far afield as Australia. Some took part in their pyjamas, some in camouflage - and one man even had an ironing board and iron strapped to his back.

- (PA)