Rehab to help those returning to work

The Rehab Group is to provide a counselling service for long-term unemployed people returning to work

The Rehab Group is to provide a counselling service for long-term unemployed people returning to work. Some 25 per cent of people who get jobs after being on the dole for more than a year leave their jobs and return to living on welfare, a spokeswoman for the Department of Social, Community and Family Affairs said yesterday.

Rehab has considerable experience in providing such services for people with disabilities who take up employment. The scheme, called Work Path, will be run on behalf of the Department by Rehab Care, part of the Rehab Group.

Initially, 150 people in the Dublin area will benefit and next year 700 people all over the State will be offered help under the scheme.

"While obtaining employment is a challenge for the long-term unemployed, often maintaining that employment is also a challenge," says Ms Angela Kerins, chief executive of Rehab Care. "Work Path supports the employees through this transition, enabling them to become a valued member of the workforce."


Headings under which Work Path will offer counselling and support include: adjusting to the work place; understanding work practices; money management; tax; benefits and entitlements; housing information; and education opportunities.

"Work Path co-ordinators remain in close contact with the employers to ensure that their business objectives are being met by their new employee," says Rehab Care.

A Department spokeswoman said people on the scheme would see their counsellors twice a month.