Reid in call for support for PSNI

The Northern Secretary has called for full support for the police service from all political parties,writes Dan Keenan , Northern…

The Northern Secretary has called for full support for the police service from all political parties,writes Dan Keenan, Northern News Editor .

Dr John Reid was speaking during a visit to a postal sorting depot at Mallusk, where Catholic workers have been threatened by the UDA.

In remarks aimed at Sinn Féin he said: "You cannot have effective policing services if you won't give that service your support." But Sinn Féin's North Belfast Assembly member, Mr Gerry Kelly, dismissed Dr Reid's call.

"It is an unaccountable, undemocratic and paramilitary force which has stood by and allowed a UDA-inspired pogrom against the Catholic population to take root and intensify," he said.


He added that Dr Reid would be better off working to achieve a new beginning to policing rather than "using his energies in a pointless exercise trying to convince the nationalist population to accept a repackaged RUC".

But Dr Reid insisted the full support of every party was vital to police efforts against the paramilitaries.

"I look forward to the day that some of those who are so heavily critical of the police are so vocal in their support of the police."

Pressure had been growing on Sinn Féin to support the new police service and to take their seats on the Policing Board.

Last week, the US special envoy, Mr Richard Haass, used a private meeting with the Sinn Féin president to urge the party to work for change to new policing arrangements from within. But Mr Gerry Adams rejected that and insisted his party's approach on policing was the correct one.