Reid to resign as British home secretary, backs Brown

British Home Secretary John Reid ended months of speculation today as he declared his support for  Gordon Brown as the next prime…

British Home Secretary John Reid ended months of speculation today as he declared his support for  Gordon Brown as the next prime minister and said he would be leaving his job at the end of June.

Prime Minister Tony Blair is expected next week to announce the timetable for his departure after 10 years in power, triggering a leadership contest that Mr Brown is widely expected to easily win.

Mr Reid, a seasoned and heavyweight politician, had until today left open the possibility of also going for the top job. "Whatever the pros and cons of a contest for the leadership, there is not an eagerness in the Labour Party for that," he told the BBC's The Politics Show. "Therefore I have decided not to put myself forward as a candidate for the leadership."

His decision follows the announcement last week by former Home Secretary Charles Clarke, another potential big name contender, that he would not stand against Mr Brown because the party had no stomach for an internal fight.


Mr Reid said he would vote for Mr Brown as leader and then leave the cabinet to return to the back benches.

"I intend to stand down from the cabinet towards the end of June when Tony goes. That is a natural break period," he said, promising support for Mr Brown.

The decision not to contest the leadership leaves Mr Brown likely to face only one of two left wing challengers - former environment minister Michael Meacher and John McDonnell.

Mr Meacher told Reutersyesterday he intended to stand, but that he and Mr McDonnell would decide next week which of them would actually stand so as not to divide the left wing vote.