Religious brother faces sex charges

Twenty summonses have been served on a religious brother accused of indecently assaulting boys at a Kilkenny city primary school…

Twenty summonses have been served on a religious brother accused of indecently assaulting boys at a Kilkenny city primary school. The elderly man, now living in Co Dublin, is accused of indecently assaulting three boys at the school between 1965 and 1968.

Kilkenny Court heard yesterday that 20 sample summonses have been served on the brother, who cannot be named by order of the court. He faces four summonses of indecent assault on one of his former pupils on dates between July 1st, 1967 and June 30th, 1968. He also faces eight indecent assault summonses relating to two other boys on dates between July 1st, 1965 and June 30th, 1968. The DPP has directed that he be tried by judge and jury. Insp Aidan Roche was granted an adjournment until March 2nd for a book of evidence to be prepared.