Religious regret abuse by employee

The Sisters of Charity have expressed profound sorrow and regret that former residents of St Joseph's Residential Centre in Kilkenny…

The Sisters of Charity have expressed profound sorrow and regret that former residents of St Joseph's Residential Centre in Kilkenny were abused by David Murray, a child-care worker employed by the nuns. The sisters are making available a confidential telephone helpline to any former resident of the centre wishing to talk to trained lay counsellors. The number is 1800-331234.

"It will for ever be a cause of deep regret to us that we were unaware that abuse was being perpetrated by this man on children in our care," said Sister Eugene Butler, the Irish Provincial of the Sisters of Charity. "We are relieved that David Murray pleaded guilty to these offences, saving the victims from any further pain and trauma that a continuation of these criminal proceedings would have involved."