Report: main recommendations

The main recommendations of the report on institutional racism in Ireland

The main recommendations of the report on institutional racism in Ireland

  • The Government must acknowledge that racism exists in State institutions and it must be open about its responsibilities.
  • Anti-racism training should be provided to all State agents, including judges and policy makers.
  • The Government should "carefully consider" removing the equality mandate from the Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform and setting up a separate department of equality and human rights.
  • Special measures should be taken to recruit members of minority ethnic communities to State bodies, including at senior level.
  • Travellers should be formally recognised as an ethnic minority group.
  • All laws, policies and practices in Government departments and State agencies should be regularly reviewed for their impact on minority ethnic groups.
  • All State institutions should have an enforceable code of practice on racism. Source: Breaking Down Barriers: Tackling Racism in Ireland at the Level of the State and its Institutions, by Louise Beirne and Dr Vinodh Jaichand, Irish Centre for Human Rights, NUI Galway.