Report on sex abuse in swimming

The Government is today expected to approve the publication of recommendations arising from an inquiry into allegations of child…

The Government is today expected to approve the publication of recommendations arising from an inquiry into allegations of child sex abuse in swimming.

The Cabinet will be told by the Attorney General that publication of the complete report could cause legal difficulties relating to the anonymity of victims and the rights of individuals to natural justice.

The Government will have to decide whether to publish the recommendations only, or to release both the recommendations and an edited version of the report with most names removed.

The Minister for Tourism and Sport, Dr McDaid, is expected to move on a number of recommendations if the Cabinet approves publication. He is said to be "highly impressed" by the 180-page report by Dr Roderick Murphy SC. "It clearly shows the assiduous and painstaking work performed by Dr Murphy," a departmental spokesman said.


Dr Murphy was asked to carry out the inquiry following a number of high-profile allegations of child sex abuse in swimming.

Dr McDaid has suspended funding of the Irish Amateur Swimming Association until changes are made to its procedures to prevent a recurrence.