Reporting banned in priest's case

A District Court judge has banned the reporting of evidence heard in open court against a 53 year old priest charged with indecently…

A District Court judge has banned the reporting of evidence heard in open court against a 53 year old priest charged with indecently assaulting young boys over 20 years. The priest, with a Dublin address, is charged with indecently assaulting the boys at Crumlin Children's Hospital and while he was a priest in two Dublin parishes.

In court yesterday, Det Sgt Brian Sherry, of Howth Garda station, outlined the case. The evidence was heard in open court so that Judge William Hamill could determine whether the case could be dealt with at District Court level or in a higher court.

He rejected an application by defence solicitor, Mr Bobby Eagar, that the case be dealt with at District Court level and refused jurisdiction in the case.

Mr Eagar asked Judge Hamill to order that the identity of his client not be published. This order had already been made at an earlier hearing of the case in December. He also asked the court to order that all of the alleged evidence outlined to the court should not be published. Judge Hamill agreed with Mr Eagar, saying "that is the law" and after consulting with the State solicitor, warned members of the press in court to abide by the ruling "or there would be serious consequences".


The priest, currently free on £1,000 bail, is to appear again before the court on March 24th for the service of a book of evidence.