Reporting contest announced

The 10th annual New Science and Technology Journalist of the Year competition has been announced

The 10th annual New Science and Technology Journalist of the Year competition has been announced. It is open to students in any discipline attending third-level colleges in the Republic or Northern Ireland who are encouraged to submit published or broadcast examples of science and technology reporting.

Prizes will be awarded for the best reports covering any area of science, technology, engineering, medicine, information technology or ecology.

Entries can be in English or Irish, and material that has been published, broadcast or submitted for publication to a named outlet since October 1998 may be entered. Closing date is Thursday, September 30th, 1999.

The competition is organised by the Irish Science & Technology Journalists Association in conjunction with ICL.


Entry forms and further information are available from Dorothea Lewis, ICL, ICL House, Harcourt Street, Dublin 2, tel: (01) 402-5000 or from Valerie Hicks, ICL, ICL House, 110/112 Holywood Road, Belfast, BT4 INU, tel: (08012320 474200.