Republicans won't yield to pressure from London - Adams

The Sinn Féin president has said that Republicans will not allow the British government to resolve outstanding issues in the …

The Sinn Féin president has said that Republicans will not allow the British government to resolve outstanding issues in the peace process on its own or unionist terms.

Speaking at a rally to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the hunger strikes, Mr Adams accused the government of dealing in "Humpty Dumpty" politics.

He rejected the Northern Secretary’s assertion that a deal to resolve decommissioning, policing and demilitarisation was tantalisingly close.

"If the British are saying that a deal is within reach, does that mean they are going to pull troops out of South Armagh, Tyrone, West Belfast and North Belfast?"


He added: "I hear also the patronising tone that the institutions have been stood down for only one day and now it's OK again. Well it's not OK again.

"It isn't OK to have all Ireland structures stood down, it isn't OK that Sinn Féin ministers haven't been accorded their rights and entitlement to do the job they were elected for.

"It isn't OK that the British government are trying to hold on to plastic bullets and trying to force a democratically accountable police service, " he said.