Researchers win Nobel Prize for 'designer mice'

SWEDEN: Three researchers won the 2007 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine yesterday for work which was done separately but…

SWEDEN:Three researchers won the 2007 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine yesterday for work which was done separately but, when taken together, made possible the "knockout" mice that are now key to basic medical research.

The gene-targeting technique that helped scientists create "designer mice" is used by scores of labs across the world and has helped pin down the function of 10,000 genes.

Prof Martin Evans of Cardiff University laid the groundwork by discovering and isolating embryonic stem cells in mice - the master cells that make up a days-old embryo and which give rise to an entire living animal.

Prof Evans figured out how to genetically tinker with the cells and implant these altered embryos into foster mothers, which gave birth to mice with the desired genetic changes.


Dr Mario Capecchi of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute and the University of Utah, and Dr Oliver Smithies of the University of North Carolina independently developed precise ways to disable, or knock out, a single chosen gene.

Scientists have used their techniques to genetically modify mice with human conditions such as cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer's disease, cystic fibrosis and high blood pressure.

"It is now being applied to virtually all areas of biomedicine, from basic research to the development of new therapies," the Nobel Foundation wrote in its statement on the prize.

Dr Capecchi said scientists had developed the means to alter any gene in the mouse genome.

"What that allows you to do is to then evaluate what happens," said Dr Capecchi. "If, for example, you see a little finger disappear, then you know that gene is important for making little fingers. That way you can infer what the function of any gene is."

Dr Smithies likened the knockout technique to removing a steering wheel from a car - without it, it soon becomes clear why the car has a steering wheel.

Genes linked with disease can also be manipulated to create a mouse "model" of a human disease. -