Result of Independent ballot expected

The result of a ballot on industrial action by unions involved in a dispute at Independent Newspapers should be known by this…

The result of a ballot on industrial action by unions involved in a dispute at Independent Newspapers should be known by this evening.

If agreed, it could be implemented by serving seven days' notice of action later this week.

The company wants to make 205 staff redundant by outsourcing functions carried out by clerical, administrative, telesales, finance and general operative staff.

Employees in the relevant sections who fail to apply for a severance package by Friday of this week have been told they will be made redundant on statutory terms.


The three unions in dispute are SIPTU, the GPNU, and the AEEU. The NUJ and AMICUS agreed to ballot in support. About 460 employees in total are balloting.

The dispute deepened on Monday night after the company refused to have the matter referred to the Labour Court.

As a result, SIPTU has claimed the company is in breach of the Sustaining Progress partnership agreement.

The union has said that if that was allowed, there may be no point in entering talks on a new deal.

Ms Patricia King, SIPTU's Dublin general secretary, said yesterday that there had been no new developments.

"There has been no change whatsoever in the situation. Staff are continuing the ballot," she said. She added that she expected the SIPTU results would be in by this evening.

A company spokesman said at the weekend that 190 staff had accepted the "very generous package" on offer, which he said ranged from €40,000 to an employee with short service to € 260,000 for a worker with 40 years' service.

An enhanced deferred pension and maintenance of life assurance cover was also part of the package. The company expected more staff to sign up for the deal this week, he said.

The company said it had contingency plans to ensure continued production of its newspapers in the event of a strike.