Review of search for man's body

Gardai in Wexford are to review their search for the body of Mr Stephen Byrne after this weekend.

Gardai in Wexford are to review their search for the body of Mr Stephen Byrne after this weekend.

Supt Tom Saunderson, of New Ross, said he was not saying the search would be called off, but the situation would have to be assessed.

Gardai believe Mr Byrne drove his car, containing his two children, into the sea at Duncannon last week. The family car, and the bodies of Alan (10) and Shane (6), were discovered near Duncannon last Friday.

Supt Saunderson said it normally took about nine or 10 days for a body to rise when under water. "That would have been Wednesday or Thursday. There is a possibility that it has gone out to sea", he said.