Ringaskiddy incinerator hearing adjourned

A legal challenge against the decision to award planning permission for the Republic's first toxic-waste incinerator at Ringaskiddy…

A legal challenge against the decision to award planning permission for the Republic's first toxic-waste incinerator at Ringaskiddy, Co Cork, has been adjourned for three weeks.

The hearing was adjourned to June 11th for mention at the request of the State and An Bord Pleanála.

The High Court application is being made by a group of 11 people who are seeking a judicial review of the decision of An Bord Pleanála to grant planning permission for the incinerator.

In January An Bord Pleanála went against the recommendation of its own planning inspector when it decided to grant Indaver, a Belgian-owned waste management firm, permission for the plant, which will deal with 100,000 tonnes of hazardous waste a year.


The 11 residents and Ringaskiddy and District Residents' Association, are seeking to overturn the planning decision. They claim their rights to fair procedures have been infringed, along with respect for family life and bodily integrity.

They will also claim today that the board breached provisions of the Constitution, European law and the European Convention on Human Rights.