Robinson disputes reporting of anti-gay comments

IRIS ROBINSON, the DUP MP and MLA for Strangford, has stated that remarks she is quoted as making to a House of Commons committee…

IRIS ROBINSON, the DUP MP and MLA for Strangford, has stated that remarks she is quoted as making to a House of Commons committee about homosexuality being "viler" than child abuse did not accurately reflect her views.

Ms Robinson, who is chairwoman of the Assembly health committee, has been criticised by politicians and gay representatives for describing homosexuality as an abomination and suggesting homosexuals could be "turned around" with psychiatric assistance.

It has now emerged that last month she referred to homosexuality in the House of Commons at a committee meeting attended by the North's security minister Paul Goggins and a number of MPs.

"There can be no viler act, apart from homosexuality and sodomy, than sexually abusing innocent children," Hansard quotes her as saying.


Sinn Féin yesterday accused Ms Robinson of being obsessed with the issue of homosexuality.

Ms Robinson, however, said that these remarks did not accurately reflect her views. "While I will be seeking to check the committee recording, what I clearly intended to say was that child abuse was worse even than homosexuality and sodomy," she said.

"While I have strong views on homosexual activity based on the scriptures, it can in no way be equated with child abuse. If that had been the impression I created at the committee, I would have expected other committee members to correct me immediately.

"At no point have I set out to suggest homosexuality was worse than child sex abuse. There can be no comparison between the two. My entire contribution at that committee meeting was about highlighting the gravity of sex offences and indeed calling for stronger sentences," she said.

Ms Robinson added: "In my Christian and political life across a whole range of issues I have always sought to protect the rights and interest of the child. From my work as party health spokesperson and chair of the health committee I know the horrific impact sexual abuse has on individuals and families, and I have sought to do my best to assist the victims of abuse."

Hansard said after checking the committee recording it was satisfied that Ms Robinson had been quoted correctly.

Alliance Party executive director Gerry Lynch said he had also confirmed with Hansard that the MP was properly quoted. "Mrs Robinson now needs to admit that what was reported is correct and issue an immediate apology and retraction," he said.

"I accept that Iris Robinson may not have intended to imply that homosexuality is worse that paedophilia. But she should be mature enough to accept that she made a mistake," added Mr Lynch.

"Indeed, she should also accept that even bringing gay people into a discussion about paedophiles was deeply wrong. In any normal society, Iris Robinson's comments would be grounds for resignation."

Sinn Féin MLA Martina Anderson said that Ms Robinson had an "obsession" with homosexuality and that her comments were "deeply offensive and hurtful to members of the gay community and their families".

"Iris Robinson's comments come on the back of several ill-judged statements from a woman who is not only the wife of the First Minister [ Peter Robinson] but the chair of the Assembly health committee. Surely she realises the affects that these comments have on the gay community."

Gerry Moriarty

Gerry Moriarty

Gerry Moriarty is the former Northern editor of The Irish Times