Rodgers disgusted that Department's work put at risk for narrow political advantage

The following is the statement issued last night by Mrs Brid Rodgers of the SDLP

The following is the statement issued last night by Mrs Brid Rodgers of the SDLP.In light of the continuing controversy surrounding comments attributed to me in the course of a conversation with an official from the Department of Foreign Affairs, I would like to make the following points:

1. I had a lengthy and wide-ranging discussion with the official concerned.

2. The leaked documents represent an edited view of a lengthy discussion.

3. It should be borne in mind that the discussion took place in the context of a pre-electoral situation where the SDLP was coming under considerable pressure to enter into certain electoral arrangements at a time when there was no ceasefire in place.


It was the strongly-held view of the SDLP leadership that the party could not enter into any such arrangements in the absence of a ceasefire without compromising fundamental principles.

4. I want to refute the unworthy implications from some quarters in relation to Prof McAleese, Mr [Jim] Fitzpatrick [chairman of the Irish News] and Father Alex Reid. I want to make it absolutely clear that at no time did I convey (nor do the contents of the leaked document suggest) that in my view any of the three people concerned could be in any way identified with support in any shape or form for, or ambivalence towards, violence.

5. With regard to the Redemptorist Peace Mission, I have never doubted the intent or integrity of its work to bring about an end to violence. In any conversation I have ever had with anyone, that has been taken as read. Any impression conveyed by me about points discussed at a particular meeting can in no way detract from the valuable and valid role of the mission.

6. Along with my party I have always recognised that the Irish News has consistently voiced its opposition to all forms of violence and sectarianism.

7. The fundamental question that arises and is required to be addressed is the serious undermining of the important and effective work of the Department of Foreign Affairs. I am disgusted that a person or persons unknown have now put that work at risk for mere narrow political advantage.

8. It has been, and continues to be, SDLP practice not to become involved in any electoral or partisan contests in the South. As I said at the beginning of the campaign, I wish all the candidates well.